Worship Him

When you follow the story of our creation and the reason for our being, you realize that we are truly special and precious to God. God created us to have constant fellowship with Him. Even with the fall of Adam, God constructed a plan that will forever close the separation caused by the sin of Adam. We were made to worship Him. God deserves all of our worship and praise. We are His creation and made in His image and likeness.

Romans 12:1

"Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship"

Worship is about reverence and adoration of Our Father. To revere God is to have deep respect for or admire Him as your heavenly Father. To adore God is to love, cherish and appreciate him. The text above refers to a reverence of Him in our bodies which are His temple. When we adore God through praises and worship, He dwells within us in our Spirits nurturing and grooming us to be more like Him. God cannot share His space with another, He is a jealous God and desires that your affections are for Him and Him alone.

Substances, People or things that are harmful to the body do not have a place in our lives as our bodies are the temple of God. We are the new Holy of Holies and so must by His Spirit live holy lives that become our true worship to God. As we worship God in singing of Psalms, songs of praise, let our bodies also worship Him.

God gets pleasure out of us. He inhabits our praises. “Psalm 22:3” He delights over us with singing!


Dear Father, I love that you delight in me and that you rejoice over me with singing. Come Holy Spirit , help me present my body to the Father as a sweet smelling sacrifice.


Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you. Praise and Worship God!
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