The good life both now and eternally is included in the gospel, or “good spell,” of Jesus. The good news of Jesus, which He delivered to us via His death, burial, resurrection, and ascension, offers a clear promise of a lovely existence, both in this life and the one that will follow.
There are many advantages to following Jesus, and our God has not commanded us to pursue Him in vain. The good news comes from a God who is unconstrained by time, space, influence, grandeur, riches, power, mercy, and practically everything else we can think of—and even beyond what we can think of.
According to our text, if you choose to follow God, you will receive a bundle that includes complete freedom from all diseases, bonds, and other physical and spiritual restrictions. A life where you can be sure you’ll overcome any obstacles that come your way. a life where God is your Father and you are confident that He will never
abandon you.
The fact that the person who made all these promises is unable to break them, even if He tried to, is another amazing fact. However, it all begins with a decision to submit and follow Him.This is the good news, the gospel, and what Jesus has made available, but it’s up to you whether you choose to jump in or keep your distance.