The Fullness Of Time – Part 3 (Stick To The Name)


Greetings!! What a magnificent God we serve! His mercies are new every morning!

It’s a great day to be alive. Let no stone be praised in your place. Give God resounding praise today. He is worthy! As we continue our study of the different stances to have in the Spirit in preparation for the fullness of time concerning God’s spoken word in our lives, we look at sticking to the name He has given you (tenacity on what He has said).

Remember how we looked at belief (accepting God’s word)obedience (when He gives instructions), and being a blessing to others (love and charity) last week?

We’ll go over these topics again in the coming weeks.

Luke 1: 59 - 60 (AMP)

"So it was on the eighth day that they came to circumcise the child; and they would have called him by the name of the father, Zacharias. His mother answered and said, ‘No, he shall be called John. "

When Elizabeth gave birth, the neighbors desired to name the child after their dad, but the mother said no, she stuck to the name Angel Gabriel had given. Even still, the neighbors insisted whilst asking Zacharias to name the child- he wrote John! Two things stood out to me in these verses:

Firstly, Elizabeth wasn’t around when the Angel visited Zacharias; how did she then know the name? She took this word and trusted the authenticity of it.

Secondly, she stuck to that conveyed word and, against the neighbors’ requests, named their son John. I am using this story to point to two key things in maintaining this ‘tenacious’ stance as we wait expectantly for the fullness of time for God’s word to be performed in our lives.

  1. God’s word is to be received, trusted, and obeyed.
  2. When circumstances speak contrary to what God has spoken, or to what His word says concerning you, say “no!” and then speak what He says.

It’s time we start being tenacious about God’s words or prophetic words spoken into our lives by His servants. We should never allow circumstances or people to name us otherwise.

If God says He is your Healer, trust in that word.

If he says He has set you on a hill- know you are meant to be seen,

If he speaks peace and everything around you speaks otherwise, keep speaking God’s peace to yourself and your family.

What is God saying to you today?

Latch on to that word- do not let go! Watch it come to pass in the fullness of time!

If the circumstances dictate otherwise and you want to change your name, say NO!

Stick to the NAME God has given!



PRAYER Prayer for this week Father Today, I choose your word over every circumstance speaking contrary to it! I say NO! I shall be all that you have called me to be in Jesus name – Amen


CHARGE Charge for this week Go back and thank God for His word and then hold on to the word tenaciously! Our God is near!
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