By your words, you are justified or condemned! That is deep. We need to be very careful about speaking idle words. The Bible in the Book of James is very clear on how destructive the tongue can be. James is very apt in his advice – be slow to anger, be slow to speak and quick to listen.
The English say we have two ears and one mouth, you listen twice as hard! Our words must be deliberate.
What words are we speaking into the lives of our loved ones?
Are we quick to condemn their actions?
Do you know that you are creating as you speak?
When God wanted to create- He spoke! Our words are powerful when spoken into the atmosphere.
What are you releasing?
What are you saying to God?
What are you saying to your Family, Friends, Business, Work, Ministry? Idle words or deliberate words?
This is not about pumped up or positive speaking, this is about what God desires we do as we are made in His image and likeness!
Speak careful words. Weigh your words before you utter them.
Speak life to everyone. Let grace be upon your lips.
Bless don’t curse- yes even those that hate and use you!! It’s the ‘God way’.
Speak life to yourself- create your day, be victorious in the face of adversity. David won the war of words with Goliath before the actual battle began! Read that story again!
Be deliberate; speak words that are meaningful and laced with grace.
Say what you mean and Mean what you say!
May God help us as we learn and re-learn speaking life!