Our Weapons of Warfare – Spoken Word


Greetings in the mighty name of Jesus, hope your week is getting on well.  Are you staying in a place of Worship and showing love to all? Remember in this season, the Lord wants us to focus on using these weapons of warfare to keep moving forward. Trials are never meant to stop you, hard times are for muscle building.  Our weapons of warfare are never carnal but are mighty through God! Over the past two weeks we have looked at Worship and Love, this week we look at ‘The Spoken Word” as a weapon.

Mark 11:23. (NIV)

""Truly I tell you, if anyone says to this mountain, 'Go, throw yourself into the sea,' and does not doubt in their heart but believes that what they say will happen, it will be done for them" "

If anyone says…… we must learn to speak to our problems- we must learn to challenge every mountain. We must exercise the power of the Spoken word.

We see the perfect example of the use of the spoken Word in Genesis Chapter 1 – when God created the World. In the Message Bible translation- it uses the words “God Spoke.” God spoke the entire Heavens and Earth into being. He Spoke and it became. The most important part of Genesis 1 is when He creates man in His own image and likeness- meaning we are made to be like Him. We have His Spirit to do same as He did in Genesis 1.


However, an example of the Spoken word in warfare is the story of David and Goliath- a very familiar episode. David starts off the fight by speaking strong and powerful words to show who is really in charge – God! He goes on to kill Goliath and is victorious in God.

God expects us to speak His Word concerning any situation before us. He wants us to be like Him- speaking things into existence by the Power of the Holy Spirit. It only takes the Word to change things around for us, the power in the Word of God is the wonder working power that transforms and completely transcends this physical world we are in. The Word of God is Spirit and is Life. It has the ability to completely change environments.

Our scripture today buttresses that if we believe what we speak, it shall be unto us as we have believed. I know sometimes we wonder if when we speak anything happens, we are often deterred because we do not see “immediate” answers, however remember you have other weapons, which you can all use together, as you worship, you speak God’s Word, you love, you exercise faith as you pray.  The most important thing is to believe God- remember He is the God of the battle- your own role is to exercise fight and use the weapons He has equipped you with.


PRAYER Prayer for this week Lord I believe!


CHARGE Charge for this week Fight! Fight!! Fight!!!
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