- Proverbs 4:23 The Hebrew word levav is the most common word for “heart.” It includes our thoughts, our will, our discernment, and our affections.
Last week we looked at the eyes, this week let’s talk about what we hear, listen to and adapt our eyes to.
Our ears are a gateway to our souls. Remember this familiar scripture text “faith comes by hearing, hearing by the word of God?’’ What we listen to has the very power to bring us to a place of FAITH or FEAR. It’s all down to the choices you make in opening your ear gates to let in content.
A few questions:
What are you currently listening to?
What have you been led to believe because of what you have listened to or are listening to?
What opinion of a person, thing or event is formed because of what you heard?
Remember that we must apply Godly principles to all our gates to be able to guard our heart. What does God expect of us in using our ear gates?
His word says in Proverbs 2:2 – Tune your ears to wisdom, and concentrate on understanding. (NLT)
The Pandemic is creating a season of fear like never seen before, you must guard your heart by being picky about what you hear. Open your ear gates to things that build your Faith and make you secure in God’s love no matter what’s out there. God expects us to hear wisdom in what we let in.
My key listening criterion especially now;
- Must speak life to me
- Must build my knowledge base
- Must align with the word of God
- Must fit into purpose
Some listening habits to grow in these times;
- Get an audio bible; listen to a chapter of proverbs every day and the psalms at night (set times and try and adhere to it, get the kids in on it so you don’t get distracted)
- Create playlists
- Instrumental gospel music (this plays all through the night while I am asleep)
- Classical music
- Jazz
- Igbo gospel music (solid vibes) – pick the language you love
- Subscribe to podcasts that are deliberate about personal growth God’s way.
Guard your ear gates and protect your well-being. You need to survive this pandemic. There is so much joy on the other side of this. Stay alive. Stay hopeful. We conclude on Guarding the Heart next week.