In The Time Of The Pandemic – Guarding your Heart (EYES)


In The Time Of The Pandemic – Guarding your Heart (EYES)

In The Time Of The Pandemic – Guarding your Heart (EYES)
Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus! How are you keeping in these times? Keep hope alive. This too will pass. Just hold on.  Over the next couple of weeks, I will be writing a series of articles on gatekeeping our lives most especially in this time of the pandemic. 
There is so much coming at us in the name of information, expert/non-expert knowledge, fear inspired articles, doomsday re-enactment, webinars, knowledge masters etc. In the frenzy to explain current happenings, a lot of false information is going around, most really look genuine but on closer scrutiny, you can see the lies and mischief.  In these times and always you must act as your own gatekeeper or, as a parent; a gatekeeper over your family. 
Key thing you must do; GUARD YOUR HEART! Be careful of what you are taking in at this time, it will affect every iota of your being.

Proverbs 4:23 The Passion Translation (TPT)

"23 So above all, guard the affections of your heart,[a] for they affect all that you are. Pay attention to the welfare of your innermost being, for from there flows the wellspring of life. "

  • Proverbs 4:23 The Hebrew word levav is the most common word for “heart.” It includes our thoughts, our will, our discernment, and our affections.

What key gates guard your heart? Eyes, Ears and Mouth.

Your eyes
what you read, what you watch and what you look at are vital to influencing the way you think and how you react to things eventually. If you watch bad news all day, you will believe the worst and will act accordingly to what you believe.

Proverbs 4:24- 25 (TPT) “Set your gaze on the path before you.
With fixed purpose, looking straight ahead, ignore life’s distractions”. 

Watch where you’re going!
Stick to the path of truth,

In this time, it is imperative you watch what you “watch”. As much as possible regulate the times you need to see the news or any other information regarding the pandemic. Choose what you feed your eyes on and maintain a high criterion for what you must take in. Mine is – is it true? Does it align with the Word of God? How does it key into my life vison?
Focus on God in this time, reflect on your purpose and dig in to learn more of your purpose. Read on things that interest you and touch on your divine purpose. If you still don’t know or understand purpose? This is the time to learn about it and discover your PATH in life so you live a fulfilled life.
Once you can guard the gates of your eyes, you are on course to guarding your heart (thoughts) and re-establishing a healthy thought life and, a deliberate choice of words.
Next week, I will write on the gatekeeping the ears.


PRAYER Prayer for this week Holy Spirit teach me the discipline of sight in Jesus name Amen


CHARGE Charge for this week Write down your criterion for watching, reading and taking a look; measure them by the Word of God then go ahead and use it. See what effect it has on you. Record and repeat daily.
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