Cultivating A Healthy Relationship With God Pt.3 – Word Study


Greetings beloved readers and welcome to this week devotional as we continue in our 5 part series. Previously we looked at Worship and Prayer; therefore today let us talk about Word Study. So, today’s devotional is titled “CULTIVATING A HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD PT 3 – WORD STUDY.

John 1:1-3 (NKJV)

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made."

From verse1 and 3, it can be said that when the word is available, every other thing as we see on the earth today can be made to fall into their rightful places. “Without Him nothing was made that was made”.

In Verse2, “the word” that was in verse1 became a living being. It tells us that the word that became a “He” is Jesus and also that God and THE WORD are ONE.


Now, because God did not want to leave Himself and His ways to contradictions, He has made the Bible available and that we all have access to it. Therefore Brethren make that commitment today to be a word-junkie and see how your relationship with God advances to a higher level.


Haven made up your mind to get closer to God through His word, “how do I go about studying my Bible?”


There are a number of ways to go about it. You can decide to do a book study i.e. one of the books of the Bible; you could do a character study i.e. any of the characters in the Bible; or a topical study, which is study on prayer, mercy or any other topic that you find amusing.


Remember, God prices His word above His name and His word can create everything and anything you desire in life. So, stop running all over the place looking for what is not lost and dig deep into the word of God. That way, you cultivate a better relationship with Him and also make your life a more desirable and blessed one.


PRAYER Prayer for this week Father in the name of Jesus, help me to always long for you and your word. Give me an unending thirst for everything that means something to you in Jesus name. Amen.


CHARGE Charge for this week My charge to you today is to schedule a time and place to study God’s word daily. Do not put yourself under pressure to saying “I must study for one or two hours”… Just be consistent and let it grow naturally. You could start with one verse a day and it may take you just 5minutes to study that verse, but be consistent.
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