Cultivating A Healthy Relationship With God Pt.2 – Prayer


Greetings and welcome to this week’s devotional. Last week we began our 5 part series with the sub- title “Worship”, today we will take a look at “Prayer”.

Therefore, today’s devotional is titled “CULTIVATING A HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD PT2 – PRAYER”. I declare that the power of God will meet you at the very point of your need today in Jesus name. Amen.

1Kings 18:42 (NLT)

"So Ahab went to eat and drink. But Elijah climbed to the top of Mount Carmel and bowed low to the ground and prayed with his face between his knees."

According to the scripture, there had been no rain in the land for three and a half years hence there was hunger and famine in the land. Elijah the Prophet was confident that when He prayed, God would hear and respond with rain on the land.


Prayer depicts fellowship with God. It can be a deep, intimate and sometimes unexplainable but refreshing connection to God. It is deep, supernatural and its outcomes are also beyond human comprehension.


Drawing from the root word for “prayer”, it connotes a number of processes but they are all for our benefits. The word prayer encapsulates- thanks and adoration to God, in some other cases, it may mean “intercession” on behalf of someone or something, it could be tantamount to “pronouncing judgement”, while in some other cases, it may mean to “draw out”. I.e. draw wisdom from the Lord.


When you come to fellowship with God, then you need to remember that NOTHING is impossible for Him to do. He expects you to forgive anyone that has offended you. He expects you to ask in faith and without doubt in your heart. And when you are done asking, God expects you to keep giving thanks and remain expectant.

Forthwith, it is good to have requests when you approach the presence of God, but beyond that, He expects you to get to a point of intimacy where all that matters is His presence to you. Let Him be all that matters to you, then you and all you desire will become all that matters to Him.

The God we serve yearns for fellowship and with Him, there is always room for one more son/daughter.

AS you make that commitment to get deeper with Him, the Holy Spirit will help you in Jesus name.


PRAYER Prayer for this week Father in the name of Jesus, I ask that you help me cultivate a healthy relationship with you. Amen.


CHARGE Charge for this week My charge to you today is to make conscious efforts to draw closer to God, to engage God in prayer and fellowship and take your relationship with Him to another level.
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