Cultivating a Healthy Relationship with God PT.1- WORSHIP


Welcome and Happy New Month of July. Watch out for the move of the Holy Spirit and the multiplication of God’s grace in your life in this wonderful month as We kick-start a 5-part series from today; Follow me on this and you shall be greatly blessed in Jesus name. Amen.

The title for today’s devotional is “CULTIVATING A HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD PT1 – WORSHIP”.

To “cultivate”- means to try to acquire or develop (a quality or skill).

Then, what is a relationship? It is the way in which two or more people or things are connected, or the state of being connected. The key word there is “connected”.

Psalm 34:9 (MSG)

"Worship GOD if you want the best; worship opens doors to all his goodness."

Worship opens the doors to all of God’s goodness.

Singing God-glorifying songs is a way of lavishing our love on God and trying to tell Him how much He is worth in our sight and also staying connected to Him.


The word “worship” is a combination of two (2) words- “worth” and “ship”. Hence, it is the process of according to someone what He or She is worth in your sight.

Taking it deeper to the root word of “Worship”; it talks about bowing down in obeisance.


So to sum it up, worship is the act of expressing our love and devotion to God. Then it is expressed by singing songs of praise, love and adoration to Him, boasting about His faithfulness and wondrous acts, to love our neighbors, to give towards his work and His cause and to live a life that is pleasing to Him.


The Bible makes us understand that God seeks “true worshippers” who will worship Him in Spirit and in truth. It must come willingly, joyfully, consistently and whole-heartedly. This is key because being on God’s good side comes with a lot of mind-blowing benefits.


Furthermore, our text today makes it glaringly clear that WORSHIP opens the doors to all of God’s goodness and that we ought to worship God in order to get the best from Him.


Worshipping God consistently makes room for cultivating a healthy relationship with Him is the way to go.


PRAYER Prayer for this week Father in the name of Jesus, I ask that you help Me to work closely with you to cultivate a healthy and fruitful relationship with you. Help Me to subdue my flesh and to make this a lifestyle. Thank you Jesus, in Jesus name I pray. Amen.


CHARGE Charge for this week My charge to you today is to capitalize on every opportunity you get to worship God. Show love to someone. Sing songs of love to Him as often as you can. Make sure you maintain “connection” with Him and you will see your life take a shift for the best.
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